It all started when I noticed that in the past few months, my lip has been discolored. It started at one spot, and grew gradually across the lip. So I contacted my doctor who advised me to use a product from Bellamora. I had free samples which were initially used for burns, and went through exfoliating process by adding the cream on the lip. I was initially planning to review the Bellamora product if it weren’t for what happened next: I was misdiagnosed. And so I went to a skin specialist.

When I reached the dermatologists office, I had a lip biopsy – I watched the whole process of the biopsy until I was finally diagnosed with Cheilitis after thinking it was skin cancer.

So I started asking a lot of questions: Was it because of something I ate? What was happening? And the answer lied in the philosophy of whatever happens in the skin is reflective of what happens inside the body. It’s a lot like when a car has problems – you can’t solve it with just duct tape. You’ll want to know what happens under the hood because what happens on the inside, shows on the outside. That’s why it’s important to take care of yourself from the inside out.

Part 1:

To avoid having to use anti-acids, what you need to do is not combine certain foods. So if you’re going to have spaghetti, just have spaghetti with sauce. No meatballs. Have some meatballs later on with some salad or some vegetable. If you’re having meatballs, have it with some vegetables – some broccoli or some other vegetable. So when I eat, I do eat fish, when I eat fish I eat it with vegetables – either steamed vegetables or then a salad. And when I want to eat my carbs – rice or my gluten-free spaghetti, I eat that with vegetables as well but never combine flesh and potatoes and carbs together – it’s really that bad for your stomach. Also never combine your fruit and vegetables together because fruit is acid and vegetables are alkaline and many of you may not believe it but if you’re having issues with your stomach, it’s because you’re having different digestive systems, they have different names and whenever you combine food in an incorrect way, it causes your body stress as you eat.

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