Natural Remedy For Ear Ache Ouch My Ear Hurts
Thank you for subscribing to my health newsletter and what I want to do is share with you my experiences, my expertise and really give you some of the knowledge that I have about how
to have optimum health and rejuvenate your life.
I want to also share with you The ONE THING that may be affecting your health and you don’t know it. The pharmaceutical companies will not it do research on certain natural products because there’s no money to be made and it is the most misdiagnosis disease ever.
So let me tell you my story. My name is Cherylann Jordan and I was born on the island of Trinidad, WI I became a vegetarian in 1978. I started vomiting and I really didn’t know what was wrong and every once in a while I would have these vomiting episodes. This continued for over 20 years…
I maintained a healthy lifestyle and ate all the right foods Or So I thought…. I had at least 5 different
vomiting episodes which
after eating an abundance of
this particular food.
Some of the ways my body tried
to tell me that it was bad for me,
I would get hiccups
While studying to be an ND
(Naturopathic Doctor)
I got introduced to the concept
of eating based on your blood
type and this changed my life.
You may ask why?
I’ll tell you in the Next Newsletter.
So here’s a tip, when my son was 5 years
old the doctor’s office was closed and so
I called a friend who gave me a tip for ear
Its found in most kitchens and it really works.
Who would think!
Here’s how it works…
You take a medium sized onion at room temp.
I like the juice fresh…
And if the room is chilly warm
it in the microwave for 5 sec
Cut it in half take a fork and
prick the onion until juice forms
then squeeze the onion, like a
lemon directly into the ear.
Within days, the ear ache was gone!
I use this home remedy for me
28 yr old son when he was just 5 years old.
I have shared this with my siblings
And now 7 grandchildren
And over 100 moms.
The next News Letter
I will with you
that if you knew it,
it would CHANGE your HEALTH